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February 15, 2010

Splendor in Stone

~ a beautiful ~ but damaged ~ ode to love
~ two lovers in endless embrace ~ in Capri


~ a marble statue in the Bargello
~ standing near Michelangelo's Bacchus

~ a photo of Donatello's masterpiece of David
~ completed in 1430
~ for Michelangelo - born in 1475
~ it was an inspiration for his David
~ completed in 1504 ~ when he was 29 years old


~ a marble by the Master ~ Michelangelo
~ from the Medici Chapel ~ (sculpted :: 1534)


~ Florence's Neptune ~ in the plaza fountain


~ two statues from the Uffizi ~ in Florence

~ a lovely Madonna in marble

~ from the d'Orsay Museum's collection
~ two statues ~ one with both front & back

~ the iconic Venus de Milo
~ in the Louvre Museum
~ and sitting right next to it
~ the exquisite torso of a young man

~ the statue of Cupid and Psyche
~ in the Louvre ~ in Paris


~ the mighty statue of Nike ~ in Paris

~ a warrior's statue in Versailles

~ after the volcanic ash hit Pompeii
~ it hardened around the bodies of the dead
~ when the city was discovered
~ strange holes were found in the stone

~ it was eventually found that
~ the bodies had rotted away
~ but the ash/stone remained in position

~ by pouring cement into those empty holes
~ and removing the surrounding ash/stone
~ the shapes of the victims' bodies emerged

~ there are a number of them in Pompeii
~ it's a strange, amazing, haunting sight
~ like they're sitting right in front of you


~ a statue of Roman Emperor Hadrian's lover
~ Antinous ~ from the 4th Century
~ a warrior's statue stands in Hadrian's Palace
~ just outside Rome


the front and back of a statue
~ in the Vatican Museum
~ (note the grapes in the boy's hand)

~ a statue in the Vatican sunlight

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