This site is ADULTS ONLY !!!

Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 & 2012 by Edward Lindquist.
All rights reserved.

This is an ADULTS ONLY site.

If you are less than 18 years old or if you are offended by adult, erotic or homoerotic images, please leave now and DO NOT scroll down.

All models featured on this blog are 18 years old ~ or older.

June 11, 2011

The Boys of Bearlesque ~ at NYC's Stonewall Inn

~ The Boys of Bearlesque performed "Bears on Film"
~ at NYC's historic Stonewall Inn ~ in May and June
~ they expect to be back with their best show ever
~ later this summer
~ as always ~ the guys perform for free
~ with all proceeds ~ going to LGBT charities !!
~ special thanks to 'the Jack of Hearts' ~ Jeff
~ who took all of the photography ~ for this posting !!
~ not only does Jeff have great eyes
~ he also has a very good eye !! ~ taking some great shots
~ under some challenging circumstances

~ and special thanks to Steve ~ for his photo of Jeff !!

1 comment:

  1. Funny and spectacular! Great looking guys and "costumes"! Thanks!
