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Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 & 2012 by Edward Lindquist.
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September 04, 2011

Troubled Water ~ ~ ~ Sunrise / Sunset on Fire Island

~ between the earthquake ~ and the hurricane
~ Jeff and i headed out to Fire Island ~ again
~ the whole place was wildly abuzz with talk of
~ battening down the hatches ~ and evacuation
~ the fragility of the dune environment
~ is so evident ~ when Nature rears its head
~ the ocean waters were clearly 'troubled'
~ and ~ growing 'rougher' by the hour
~ with the storm already inching up the Atlantic coast
~ hopefully ~ not too damage was done ::
~ there are some lovely people living out there
~ and the beauty of the island is legendary
























~ my thanks to Jeff ~ for the great photos !!
~ he took a number of the ones on this post
~ as well as posing for ~ and selecting
~ most of the others
~ and special thanks to Michael
~ for his 'behind the behinds' shot !
~ much appreciated !!



1 comment:

  1. GREAT photos; true natural beauty. And the seascapes weren't too bad, either...
