This site is ADULTS ONLY !!!

Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 & 2012 by Edward Lindquist.
All rights reserved.

This is an ADULTS ONLY site.

If you are less than 18 years old or if you are offended by adult, erotic or homoerotic images, please leave now and DO NOT scroll down.

All models featured on this blog are 18 years old ~ or older.

October 17, 2011

Jay Edwards ~ Mr. Stonewall Cub 2011

~ if you'd like to contact Jay,
~ he can be reached at
~ or at:
~ in addition ~ my good friend, Jed Ryan
~ (shown below ~ with ol' F-Stop ~ himself)
~ recently posted an interview with Jay
~ "Mr Stonewall Cub 2011 ~ Your Cub for All Seasons"
~ on his terrific, cutting edge, entertainment blog

~ check it out !!!
~ and while there ~ enjoy more of Jed's blog

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