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Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 & 2012 by Edward Lindquist.
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November 21, 2011

Folsom Street East ~ 2011 ~ ~ ~ Volume 4


~ we head back to Folsom Street East ~ 2011
~ one last time ~
~ to share a final summer moment
~ with Robby Lopez and Zachary Blackwell

~ also sharing today's post is
~ Mr. Eagle NYC 2011 ~ CB Kirby
~ shown in the center (above) with two friends
~ CB was there to support "Braking The Cycle"
an organization that benefits the HIV/AIDS services of the LGBT community

~ and what would a semi-nude party be
without our own ~ F-Stop Fitzgerald

~ thanks for the f~stop fotos, Audie and Ezra !!

~ 'till next year !!! 

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