This site is ADULTS ONLY !!!

Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 & 2012 by Edward Lindquist.
All rights reserved.

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All models featured on this blog are 18 years old ~ or older.

November 28, 2011

Danse d'Automne :: Aladin Three-Quarter Time


Grain and corn, corn and grain
All that falls will rise again.
~ Wiccan Harvest Chant 

Keep your face always toward the sunshine
and shadows will fall behind you.
~ Walt Whitman 

When the oak is felled
the whole forest echoes with its fall.
But a hundred acorns are sown
~ in silence
by an unnoticed breeze.
~ Thomas Carlyle

The more people smoke herb,
the more Babylon fall.
~ Bob Marley

~ special thanks to PJ
~ for all the Central Park background photos !!

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