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May 30, 2012

Mr Stonewall Cub 2011 Passes the Torch

This Sunday ~ June 3rd ~ Jay Edwards will end his reign as 2011's Mr. Stonewall Cub ~ with a show held at the iconic and historic Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street in the West Village.  Beginning at 3pm, a delightful collection of drag queens, poets, dancers, cubs, bears and comedians will be on hand to celebrate the end of Mr. Stonewall Cub's reign.

Bone Intell, Sunshine Richard McLean, Jed Ryan and Tom RagĂș are all scheduled to perform. The free show (with a two drink minimum) is a great way to kick off June's PRIDE month !!!

This photographer (along with his Nikon ;) is also scheduled to attend.  So, "come out" and let's all say "Hello & Good-Bye" to 2011's Fabulous Mr Stonewall Cub, Jay Edwards !!!

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