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June 13, 2012

Jay Edwards at NYC's Famous Stonewall Inn

Earlier this month, on Sunday June 3rd, Jay Edwards ended his reign as 2011's Mr. Stonewall Cub ~ with a show held at the Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street in the West Village.

Among the many performers on stage with Jay, were Bone Intell, Jed Ryan, Sunshine Richard McLean, and Tom Ragú. The variety show included drag queens, poets, dancers, cubs, bears and comedians joining together to thank Jay and celebrate his reign.

I took a number of photographs but also caught a few snippets of Jay on video and wanted to share his terrific live vocal performance, accompanied by a pre-recorded backing track.  It highlights the fact that Jay's beauty and talents extend to more than just the visual !!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ed ... It was very nice of you to take the time to preserve these memories for Jay (and the rest of us ...) and you did a fantastic job!
    We all had a blast performing - I hope that you had fun attending the show!
