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June 18, 2012

MAN + PRIDE 2011 ~ ~ ~ Section 3

With NYC's PRIDE 2012 parade already gearing up for this upcoming Sunday, June 24th, i thought it would be wise to post the last of 2011's images.  Males Au Naturel (aka MAN will be marching again, as we have for years.  All these images were taken last June, as MAN joined thousands of folks marching down Fifth Avenue, then across 8th Street to Christopher Street and past the famous Stonewall Inn, where it all began.

Jeff ~ the Jack of Hearts ~ was along the parade route and shared a few montaged images of some of the floats.  My thanks to him for the shots included here.

With next Sunday's forecast for 80 degree weather and "partly sunny", everyone is invited to come out to march or to watch the festivities, including our own MAN 'members' who will be marching "partly dressed".  It should be another great day !!  Happy PRIDE 2012 !!!!

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